We have a ONE year old! Where did the time go? I cannot believe our sweet girl is already a year old. I cannot even explain in words how much we love her. She's such a joy and blessing in our life. She continues to amaze me every day. I love seeing her grow and develop her little personality. I pray that God continues to shape and mold her into His image.
It's been an adjustment with me going back to work full time. It does make it better that Addie can come with me (to the faculty daycare). I love that she's right down the hall (even if I don't always get to see her during the day). But God is so good in that He's taking such good care of her there and me while I'm teaching. The girls who keep her are so sweet and take such good care of her. I'm so thankful for that. Teaching is going well, it's been a different kind of teaching situation, but I'm learning so much! The Lord is providing for us and has been so faithful.
In the past few months a few other things have happened. We're expecting baby number 2 in March! We are so excited! We just found out we're having a boy! So, here we go again!
Also, Matt's brother got married! It was a beautiful wedding and I'm so excited to continue to see how God uses them as couple. Addie was a flower girl...such a sweetie.
We celebrated two very special birthdays in October-Miss Addie Grace and Matt! What a fun time it's been celebrating my two favorite people this month!
I'm leading a small mom's group on Tuesday nights through our church called Mother2Mother. It has been a wonderful time of connecting with other moms and learning from each other as well as ultimately letting God use that time to teach us!
I'm sure there's more I could go into detail about our little family, but it's time for me to get ready for bed. Hopefully it won't take me so long to update next time! Here's a few pictures of the past few months. She's changing so fast!
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