We've been enjoying time with our middle school students as well, in fact, there were two events on Sunday-Fuzzy Slippers, a True Love Waits girl time and a Super Bowl party at the church with all of the youth. Addie was able to go to both! Whoa, what a day for baby girl. And it was also the day she turned 4 months old. It's crazy how fast she's changing! She did have to get her four months shots the other day, and well, not only did it just break her little heart, it broke mine too! Tears all around! But everything was great on her checkup! I'm so thankful for that!
SO much LOVE! We are just falling more in love with our girl every day. What a sweet little blessing she is! God is so good. He just continues to teach and mold us into the parents He's called us to be. It's not always easy and we're always learning something new about parenting (as I'm sure we'll be doing for a long time), but it's so wonderful. I love having this incredible opportunity to be a mommy! It's one I pray I never ever take for granted.
So as we're reminded about love this time of year, we're especially blessed to have our little love bug. And every day I just pray to love like Jesus. He is love and when we read His word we see what true love is. He's the One who showed us the true meaning of love on the cross.
Now we're getting ready for Daddy's Amazon trip. Matt's getting ready to spend 8 days on a boat going down the Amazon River, stopping along the way to reach out to people in need. They will supply medical needs, food, clothes, toys, etc. to people in Brazil. He's been wanting to go on this trip ever since we've been at The Chapel. The Chapel does this trip every year. And now, he's finally getting to go! He's looking forward to sharing the love of Christ in a very unique way. If you would, please pray with me. Pray that God will work in amazing ways through the people on the trip, that everyone will stay well and safe, and mostly that Jesus would be made famous. Also, Addie and I may need some prayers as well, as we'll be back home without Daddy for a week. Thankfully, I'll have family close to take care of us. We're just so excited about this opportunity for Matt to be a part of reaching the nations for His name. I can't wait to share about the trip in a few weeks!
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